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You Be Good Now

Mostly n'importe quoi. En Français and English.

Tout pour le week-end #37/ How to enjoy your weekend #37

© Suraj Sirohi

© Suraj Sirohi

Super Animals

A Mother

Some Photo Series from the Past Year

A Translation War

A Novel/ Un Roman: The Falls/ Les Chutes - Joyce Carol Oates (2004)

'Call Mr. Colborne, will you? Just leave a note with him. No emergency, exactly. A disturbed woman with a missing husband, she thinks.'
'Missing? There was a guy over the Horseshoe, this morning.'
'Over the Horseshoe.' The concierge would afterward recall hearing this offhand remark from one of the desk clerks as he was turning away, and discounting it in the same moment. Or maybe he hadn't clearly heard. Or hadn't wanted to hear. You don't think of clergymen committing suicide at The Falls. Especially not on their honeymoons. You just don't.

© Harper Collins

© Harper Collins

Joyce Carol Oates again! In this thick (almost 500 pages) novel, a young woman loses her husband to suicide during her honeymoon at Niagara Falls. However, in an extraordinary turn of events, she will meet her true love during the aftermath of the tragedy. These premises that sound like those of a soap opera lay the foundations of a painful family history paved with distrust, corruption, hate, doubt and, of course, murder. The Falls is a really fascinating read that addresses personal as well as collective hardship (through a retelling of the Love Canal case). Though I must warn you: Oates likes to wait for you to be really hooked up to jump from one subject to another! But don't worry, at the end of your read you should be far from feeling like you have been cheated.


Encore Joyce Carol Oates! Dans cet épais (presque 500 pages) roman, une jeune femme perd son mari qui se suicide pendant leur lune de miel dans les Chutes du Niagara. Par un extraordinaire retournement de situation, cette tragédie va lui permettre de rencontrer le grand amour. Ces évènements dignes d’un soap opera posent les jalons d’une douloureuse histoire familiale faite de doutes, de haine, de corruption et…de meurtre. Les Chutes est une lecture fascinante qui s’intéresse aux tragédies personnelles aussi bien que collectives (à travers le scandale sanitaire du Love Canal). Par contre, je vous préviens : Joyce Carol Oates aime attendre d’être sûre d’avoir toute votre attention pour brusquement passer d’un récit à un autre. Mais je vous garantis qu’elle ne vous laissera pas sur votre faim.

A Movie/ Un Film: La Vie de Bohème - Aki Kaurismäki (1992)

Tout pour le week-end #37/ How to enjoy your weekend #37

In this timeless tale, three artists (a writer, a painter and a pianist) try to get by, going from one absurd adventure to another. Even though this cult movie is pretty unsettling, its originality and poetic beauty make it captivating to watch. Keep an eye open for a cameo by Louis Malle! (I missed it)


Dans ce conte intemporel, trois artistes paumés (un auteur, un peintre et un pianiste) vivotent au grès de péripéties relativement absurdes. Ce film culte a beau être plutôt singulier, il reste, par son originalité et sa poésie, captivant à regarder. Guettez bien l’apparition de Louis Malle ! (Moi je l’ai loupée.)

Un album à ré(écouter) / An album to listen to (again)

De la broderie

Un gâteau mystérieux

Une station de ski

Un nouveau mode de consommation

Une île troublée

Wishing you a jackass-free new year!/ Que votre année 2016 ne soit pas gâchée par des puissances malveillantes!

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