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You Be Good Now

Mostly n'importe quoi. En Français and English.

Tout pour le week-end #50/ How to enjoy your weekend #50

This is my 50th weekend article! / Ceci est mon 50ème article spécial week-end!

Tout pour le week-end #50/ How to enjoy your weekend #50

It makes me feel super happy!/ Ça me rend super joyeuse!

Source: giphy.com

And particularly silly./ Et particulièrement facétieuse.

Source: giphy.com

But mostly proud: I did it!/ Mais surtout fière : j’y suis arrivée !

Source: giphy.com

I have not forgotten to do my homework though, so here's my 50th weekend article!/ Mais je n’ai pas pour autant oublié de faire mon travail. Voici donc mon 50ème article spécial week-end !

Another West

New York Surfers

Eastern European Architecture

A Novel:

What I Had Before I Had You - Sarah Cornwell (2014)

I am floating in my old piece of ocean, holding my breath so as to avoid the present for as long as possible. Memory reaches for me with seaweed fingers, lifts me dripping out of the ocean, and sets me down on the seat of my old green bike to pedal back into that terrible summer, the last summer of my childhood.

What I Had Before I Had You © Sarah Cornwell, HarperCollins -  Source: goodreads.com
What I Had Before I Had You © Sarah Cornwell, HarperCollins - Source: goodreads.com

Sarah Cornwell's first novel (this blog showcases a lot of first novels) is a perceptive story of coming of age. As she visits her native Jersey Shore with her children, a woman is reminded of the summer she discovered deeply hidden truths about her family that broke the unique bond she had with her offbeat mother. Cornwell's writing is spirited and subtle, and her storytelling is gracefully paced, while her vivid imagination confers upon this mostly realistic novel a dream-like touch. What I Had Before I Had You is a story of broken families, of unconditional love and of lost trust as well as a compelling take on mental illness and the reality that people who suffer from it have to face.

A Movie/ Un Film:

Human Capital/ Les Opportunistes - Paolo Virzì (2013)

Distribution: Film Movement (USA), Bac Films (France) - Source: filmexpression.blogspot.com

Distribution: Film Movement (USA), Bac Films (France) - Source: filmexpression.blogspot.com

Human Capital is a story of two families: the Bernaschis and the Ossalas. The Bernaschis are extremely affluent: their life is one of trust fund money and private tennis courts. The Ossalas are a plain middle class family. However, a teenage romance between the Bernaschi son and the Ossala daughter will bring those two universes to collide for better and for worse. This great Italian movie is parted in four chapters that each follow one character. The first one revolves around Dino Ossala's financial trouble; the second one paints a sober picture of Carla Bernaschi's marital unhappiness; but it is the third (which follows the young Serena Ossala) and the fourth chapter that contain all of the dramatic intensity the movie was building up to. The result is a masterful piece of social commentary that doesn't blindly condemn "the rich" (or even "the poor") but points out some of the vices people give into: greed, selfishness, pride and bitterness.


Les Opportunistes raconte l’histoire de deux familles: les Bernaschi et les Ossala. Très aisés, les Bernaschi vivent une vie pavée de trust fund et de terrains de tennis privés. Les Ossala sont une famille typique de la classe moyenne. Toutefois, une romance adolescente entre le fils Bernaschi et la fille Ossala rapprochera ces deux univers, pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Ce merveilleux film italien est partagé en quatre chapitres. Le premier s’intéresse aux problèmes financiers de Dino Ossala et le second au mariage malheureux de Carla Bernaschi, mais c’est à partir du troisième, qui suit les pas de la jeune Serena Ossala, que la tension dramatique du film atteint son sommet. Le résultat est une œuvre très réussie dont le message social ne condamne pas aveuglement « les riches » (ni « les pauvres » d’ailleurs), mais pointe du doigt nos vices ordinaires : cupidité, égoïsme, orgueil et rancœur.

Another Movie/ Un autre film:

Little Girl/ La Pivellina - Tizza Covi & Rainer Frimmel (2009)

Distribution: Films Distribution -  Source: ventofilm.com

Distribution: Films Distribution - Source: ventofilm.com

One morning, Patty, a circus performer who lives in a trailer in a destitute Roman suburb finds an abandoned two-year-old she decides to take care of. This movie tells the story of the bond that grows between these two outcasts and of the decisions that Patty has to make as she knows she can't keep this kid forever. This movie's particularity resides in its strong realism: the actors are not professional actors but actual circus performers pretty much playing as themselves. Also, the movie doesn't rely on tear jerking drama but on the simplicity of affectionate human interactions and on the inevitability of day-to-day struggles.


Un matin, Patty, une artiste de cirque qui habite une caravane dans un quartier pauvre de Rome, trouve une petite fille de deux ans qui a manifestement été abandonnée. Elle décide de s’en occuper. La Pivellina raconte l’histoire du lien qui se tisse entre ces deux laissées-pour-compte et des choix difficiles qui s’offrent à Patty, sachant qu’elle ne pourra garder indéfiniment cette petite fille. La particularité de ce film réside dans son profond réalisme. Les acteurs ne sont pas des professionnels : ils sont d’authentiques artistes de cirque qui jouent leur propre rôle. La Pivellina est loin d'être un mélodrame tire-larme et mise au contraire sur la simplicité d’interactions humaines bienveillantes et sur l’inévitabilité des luttes du quotidien.

A Hypnotising Music Video/ Un clip hypnotique

Un Quizz

Une Architecte

Des nuages de fumée colorés

Ok, I'm off: I have plans!/ Bon j'y vais, j’ai des trucs de prévus !

Source: giphy.com

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